Lottery Paintings and Parking Lot Paintings (2004-2007)
Two early projects studying the process of painting and the meaning of the subject of a painting. Chance or accidental moments gave me the starting compositions for the works and the process of painting then took over.
Parking Lot Paintings: I walked by a certain parking lot daily at the same time during one week and wrote down the colours of the cars that were parked there at the time. I also marked how the cars were spotted there and then used these situations as starting compositions for my future drawings and paintings. I documented the drawing process showing the steps each pieces were going through until they were finished. The paintings were made by beeswax and pigment on canvas, drawings by oil pastels on paper.
Lottery Paintings: I made a colour map using the lottery grid used in Finland that consist of 39 numbers. Each number had a certain colour and place on the grid. Then I went through all the weekly lottery draws that were held on saturday evenings during the year 2005 and painted the coloured squares on the small panels (the average of each weeks numbers gave me the background colour for the composition). Afterwards I made paintings using these panels as starting compositions for the work. All works: oil on canvas.